Thursday, June 25, 2009

Off balance...and loving it!

Isn't it strange how life can suddenly change gear and throw you completely off balance? Not long ago, I was pootling along very nicely thinking that I finally had it all sorted out; regular (if small) income from the UK, a lovely house to renovate slowly, working on my golf handicap, sharing good times with friends visiting. Drinking good wine, gently following the seasons and festivals of the year's circle. OK so I had left Narnia - or rather Narnia had locked the wardrobe door and left me stuck on the wrong side. Not really looking for a new partner but hoping that the Goddess would be kind enough to send one in my direction. Well all that is up in the air now! There is a new woman in my life and it feels as though I have known her all my life. Life has just put it's foot on the loud pedal and the scenery is flying past at 1000mph and I'm hanging on to the sides. Woooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......................

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