The meaningful coincidence of unrelated events or, as Jung put it, “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.” Like when someone, with whom you haven’t spoken for ages, phones you just as you’re about to call them - as happened on Friday with my friend Jade. Or when somebody knocks on your door just because they’re passing and has the solution to a problem they knew nothing about; like Bob and Wendy, also on Friday.
Or like today, when I suddenly decided to go for a walk down a particular quiet little lane to pick nettles for my dinner and a woman I dated twice last autumn happens to drive past, recognises me from behind as I’m bending over to pick the nettles and suggests I join her (and new girlfriend unfortunately) at the cinema an hour later.
The theory or premise is that these events are in fact related within the “collective unconscious” That our individual experience of life, the universe and every thing is actually part of a greater experience connecting as many levels of creation as your own philosophy can include.
Others will call it magical or the answer to prayer.
Others will call it magical or the answer to prayer.
I'ts magical, an answer to prayer AND 'mother' who organises these things from her perch up in the clouds.......